среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

collector county jackson ms tax

Iapos;m writing another novel this November. This year, I thought Iapos;d change it up a bit. Because all the normal year-end stresses (busiest time of year at work, my turn for Zombie critiques, having family over for the holidays) isnapos;t enough, Iapos;ve decided to be the ML for Santa Cruz this year.

This means that Iapos;m responsible for making sure my little corner of the world is inspired and cared for while theyapos;re slogging through their own writing. One thing that theyapos;re emphasizing more this year is the need to do some fundraising. I credit Chris Baty enormously with what heapos;s done thus far, pulling Nano pretty much out of a hat every year, but itapos;s really not fair. I wish that I could cough up as much money as Nano has meant to me, but the truth us that I just donapos;t have that kind of cash. Iapos;ve already publicly pledged that I would donate some portion of my first book contract to Nano, but thatapos;s sort of a sucker bet at this point.

What I am doing is this: Iapos;ve started a Firstgiving page so that my friends, family and far-flung correspondents can show their support not for me, but for this cause that has encouraged hundreds of thousands of people to find their literary voices. I know that you guys love to read - everyone on my friends list is a reader, and itapos;s what I love about you guys. If you could just kick down a buck or two, it might mean that youapos;re enabling Nano to reach out and inspire the person whoapos;s going to be your next favorite author. Somewhere out there, a new masterpiece may be brewing in the mind of someone who thinks they canapos;t write a novel until they hear the magic word "Nanowrimo." It might be someone whoapos;s seen a lot of years and finds the motivation to write down memories that would otherwise be lost to history. It might be someone from a war-torn part of the world who finds the courage to write the truth and tell the world something it didnapos;t know before. Who knows whoapos;s writing?

If you can spare a little, you can make that possible, and I personally would be exceedingly grateful

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